Neglected Aspects of Sufi Study by Idries Shah

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This book, subtitled, ‘On the Nature of Sufi Knowledge’, is based on university lectures at the New School for Social Research in New York, and the University of California, San Francisco.

Neglected Aspects of Sufi Study deals with many of the problems of Sufic study methods, and the factors which thwart its effective progress in the modern world.

In particular, Shah looks at the unrecognised assumptions which we make about ourselves, and about learning and its processes. The author examines the psychology of his readership, including our demand for cults, the disabling effects of emotion, the consumer society, and the prevailing cultural responses to higher knowledge in both East and West.

This book provides a succinct and informative overview of Sufi practice, and is an essential companion to the dozens of books on Sufism produced by Shah.