As a registered British charity, we rely on the generosity of people who have been touched by Idries Shah’s work. $10 will put an Idries Shah Foundation children’s book like The Onion into the hands of a young refugee.  $20 will help us place a copy of The Sufis or The Commanding Self in a university library.

We would like to invite you to place a donation now. There are several means by which this can be done.


A donation can be made to ISF via PayPal from anywhere in the world. PayPal also allows for recurring donations.

CAF America

Donors in the United States can donate to the Idries Shah Foundation via CAF America, a public charity that facilitates US donors to support foreign charitable organizations or projects.  Follow the link below to donate.

ISF’s Bank Account

Donations can also be made by electronic transfer to The Idries Shah Foundation’s bank account. Please reference ‘donation’. The details are:

The Idries Shah Foundation
Hoare and Co. Bank
37 Fleet Street

Account: 66955900
Sort Code: 159900
IBAN: GB02HOAB15990066955900

Give As You Shop

You can raise money for the Idries Shah Foundation when you shop online using EasyFundraising. It won’t cost you a penny extra when you purchase a product or service through any one of their 32,233 shops and sites – and we get a donation each time! Just go to