The Subtleties of the Inimitable Mulla Nasrudin by Idries Shah

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Many countries claim Nasrudin as a native, although few have gone so far as Turkey in exhibiting a ‘grave’ of the wisest fool who ever lived, and holding an annual Nasrudin Festival.

The Subtleties of the Inimitable Mulla Nasrudin is a collection of 109 wacky tales of folly and wisdom from the most famous jokester who ever lived.

Idries Shah’s skilful retelling of these collected stories and sayings brings the unmistakable – and often backhanded – wisdom, wit and charm of this wise fool to life. Acclaimed as humorous and entertaining masterpieces, Mulla Nasrudin stories have also been described as ‘mirroring the antics of the mind’.

Collected with the help of amateurs and scholars worldwide, The Subtleties of the Inimitable Mulla Nasrudin is sure to delight.

Since Idries Shah made Nasrudin’s genius available to mainstream Western readers three decades ago, people from every walk of life have laughed at and learned from the wise fool’s inimitable escapades.

That’s Why They Appreciate It

‘Never give people anything they ask for until at least a day has passed!’ Said the Mulla.

‘Why not, Nasrudin?’

‘Experience shows that they only appreciate something when they have had the opportunity of doubting whether they will get it or not.’