Sufi Studies: East and West

‘Shows in a vivid way how Sufism is a basic link between East and West’

Library Journal

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During his lifetime, Idries Shah published scores of books aimed at showing lesser-known traditions of the East to Western society. His extraordinary corpus of works, which remain in publication today, span numerous distinct genres and together provide an inclusive course of study.

Sufi Studies: East and West, first published 50 years ago, is a collection of 24 papers commissioned for a symposium in honour of Idries Shah’s services to Sufi studies. Composed by leading authors, scholars, and thinkers, the wide-ranging spectrum of articles explore Shah’s work and his contribution to human thought.

‘Sufism is universal and timeless in its appeal, though the local form taken varies, being adapted to work within the local culture and mental set,’ wrote Leonard Lewin in a review of Sufi Studies: East and West in International Philosophical Review. ‘Hence, quite different external formulations have often not been recognized by some scholars as stemming from the same ultimate source. A corollary to this is the (mistaken) attempt to use an outdated formulation designed for peoples of another culture and another period and to try to apply it to a present-day situation. In contrast, Shah’s formulations are specifically adapted to Western twentieth century ideas and methods.’

The Idries Shah Foundation is publishing this title in new paperback and hardback editions to mark the 100 anniversary of Idries Shah’s birth.

Additional information

The Sufis Audiobook: The complete audiobook of The Sufis, by Idries Shah. Read by David Ault